RSN 051
This course is to introduce students to the general structure and functions of theskeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems of the human body. Course Objectives Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
i. Describe the structure, composition and functions of a living cell
ii. Distinguish between the different tissues in the body
iii. Identify the various cavities in the body and the organs they contain
iv. Describe the structures and functions of the skeletal system
v. Describe the process of bone formation
vi. Describe the types of joints
vii. Describe the major muscles and their functions
viii.Describe the structure of the cardiovascular system
ix. Describe the functions of the cardiovascular system
x. Describe the cardiac cycle
xi. Discuss blood pressure
xii. Describe blood circulation in the body
xiii.Describe the lymphatic system
The content will include: explanation of anatomy and physiology; organization of the human body(cell, tissue, organs, systems); anatomical positions, directions and planes; cell structure and functions (tissues – types and functions); cavities of the body and their contents; the skeletal system (anatomical terms, bone formation, axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton, bones of the skeleton – types and structure, functions of the skeletal system, joints – structures, types and movements) the muscular system (types of muscle, membranes potential, excitation of nerve and muscle, muscle contraction and relaxation, major muscles of the body – positions, points of origin and insertions and actions, functions of muscles); the Cardiovascular System (structure of the heart and its major vessels, conducting system, cardiac cycle – stages of the cardiac cycle, heart sounds, electrical activity of the heart, functions of the heart, structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries, blood – composition, formation of blood cells, functions of blood, mechanisms of blood clotting, and blood grouping, cardiac output – stroke volume, heart rate and Starling’s law, blood pressure – heart rate, cardiac output, peripheral (arteriolar) resistance, control of blood pressure, determinants and factors affecting blood pressure, circulation of blood – systemic, 17 | Rans-Elliot School of Nursing pulmonary, portal and coronary); the lymphatic system (lymph nodes, lymph tissue, lymph, lymphatic vessels, and lymphatic circulation).
RSN 053
The course is to assist students acquire the basic nursing skills to meet the physical,
psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patients.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
a. Apply the principles of body mechanism in nursing care
b. Perform basic nursing procedures
c. Demonstrate the principles of asepsis
d. Apply basic principles of homeostasis in the care the individual
e. Apply basic principles underlying health and disease to provide nursing care using the nursing process
f. Develop skills to meet supportive needs of the dying
g. Provide appropriate support during the grieving process for the patient and their relatives
The content of this course are: body mechanics; preliminary nursing procedures to ensure comfort of the patient; (positions used in nursing patients, bed making,bed bathing/bathroom bathing and grooming, care of pressure areas, treatment of infested hair, mouth care including complications of a neglected mouth, tepid sponging, serving of bedpans and urinals, giving of enemata, rectal lavage, last offices); observation and recording (vital signs, fluid intake and output, urine stool and sputum); collection of specimen for investigation; disposal of specimen; principles of asepsis (medical and surgical asepsis); concept of homeostasis; patient and Family care using the nursing process approach; nursing process; admission, transfer and discharge of a patient; rehabilitation and continuity of care; grief and the grieving process.
RSN 055
The course will introduce students to the study and groupings of micro-organisms and their roles in the initiation and progression of diseases affecting human beings. It will also cover the mode of disease transmission and the need for infection prevention and control.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
a. Describe the characteristics of the various micro-organisms
b. Explain the role of micro-organisms in disease causation
c. Describe the routes of entry of micro-organisms
d. Describe the different ways of controlling microorganisms
e. Adopt safety measures in carrying out nursing procedures
f. Describe infection prevention practices
The content include: microbiology (ecology and habitat conditions suitable for growth of aerobes and nanaerobes, classification of microorganisms – principal groups of microbes and their characteristics, immune system (Review), microbial infection, methods of taking specimen, interpretation of common laboratory results, chain of infection (Review)); infection Prevention (purpose of infection prevention, risk factors associated with working in health care facilities,
standard precautions – hygiene of the hand, protective clothing, medical/surgical asepsis, processing of instruments/linen, housekeeping,waste disposal.
RSN 051
This course is to introduce students to the general structure and functions of theskeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and lymphatic systems of the human body. Course Objectives Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
i. Describe the structure, composition and functions of a living cell
ii. Distinguish between the different tissues in the body
iii. Identify the various cavities in the body and the organs they contain
iv. Describe the structures and functions of the skeletal system
v. Describe the process of bone formation
vi. Describe the types of joints
vii. Describe the major muscles and their functions
viii.Describe the structure of the cardiovascular system
ix. Describe the functions of the cardiovascular system
x. Describe the cardiac cycle
xi. Discuss blood pressure
xii. Describe blood circulation in the body
xiii.Describe the lymphatic system
The content will include: explanation of anatomy and physiology; organization of the human body(cell, tissue, organs, systems); anatomical positions, directions and planes; cell structure and functions (tissues – types and functions); cavities of the body and their contents; the skeletal system (anatomical terms, bone formation, axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton, bones of the skeleton – types and structure, functions of the skeletal system, joints – structures, types and movements) the muscular system (types of muscle, membranes potential, excitation of nerve and muscle, muscle contraction and relaxation, major muscles of the body – positions, points of origin and insertions and actions, functions of muscles); the Cardiovascular System (structure of the heart and its major vessels, conducting system, cardiac cycle – stages of the cardiac cycle, heart sounds, electrical activity of the heart, functions of the heart, structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries, blood – composition, formation of blood cells, functions of blood, mechanisms of blood clotting, and blood grouping, cardiac output – stroke volume, heart rate and Starling’s law, blood pressure – heart rate, cardiac output, peripheral (arteriolar) resistance, control of blood pressure, determinants and factors affecting blood pressure, circulation of blood – systemic, 17 | Rans-Elliot School of Nursing pulmonary, portal and coronary); the lymphatic system (lymph nodes, lymph tissue, lymph, lymphatic vessels, and lymphatic circulation).
RSN 053
The course is to assist students acquire the basic nursing skills to meet the physical,
psychological, social and spiritual needs of the patients.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
a. Apply the principles of body mechanism in nursing care
b. Perform basic nursing procedures
c. Demonstrate the principles of asepsis
d. Apply basic principles of homeostasis in the care the individual
e. Apply basic principles underlying health and disease to provide nursing care using the nursing process
f. Develop skills to meet supportive needs of the dying
g. Provide appropriate support during the grieving process for the patient and their relatives
The content of this course are: body mechanics; preliminary nursing procedures to ensure comfort of the patient; (positions used in nursing patients, bed making,bed bathing/bathroom bathing and grooming, care of pressure areas, treatment of infested hair, mouth care including complications of a neglected mouth, tepid sponging, serving of bedpans and urinals, giving of enemata, rectal lavage, last offices); observation and recording (vital signs, fluid intake and output, urine stool and sputum); collection of specimen for investigation; disposal of specimen; principles of asepsis (medical and surgical asepsis); concept of homeostasis; patient and Family care using the nursing process approach; nursing process; admission, transfer and discharge of a patient; rehabilitation and continuity of care; grief and the grieving process.
RSN 055
The course will introduce students to the study and groupings of micro-organisms and their roles in the initiation and progression of diseases affecting human beings. It will also cover the mode of disease transmission and the need for infection prevention and control.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
a. Describe the characteristics of the various micro-organisms
b. Explain the role of micro-organisms in disease causation
c. Describe the routes of entry of micro-organisms
d. Describe the different ways of controlling microorganisms
e. Adopt safety measures in carrying out nursing procedures
f. Describe infection prevention practices
The content include: microbiology (ecology and habitat conditions suitable for growth of aerobes and nanaerobes, classification of microorganisms – principal groups of microbes and their characteristics, immune system (Review), microbial infection, methods of taking specimen, interpretation of common laboratory results, chain of infection (Review)); infection Prevention (purpose of infection prevention, risk factors associated with working in health care facilities,
standard precautions – hygiene of the hand, protective clothing, medical/surgical asepsis, processing of instruments/linen, housekeeping,waste disposal.